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Do Female Hamsters Have Periods? (When, How Often & More)

Written by Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025

Hamsters are rodents that are native to desert areas of Asia and Europe. They were first kept as pets in the 1930s. Now they are one of the most popular pets in the world. Part of the appeal of hamsters is that they are low maintenance and easy to care for.

If you are not familiar with hamsters, you might be wondering if these furry little creatures experience something similar to human menstruation.

Read on to learn more about the reproductive cycle of hamsters and if they have periods or not.

Do female hamsters have periods?

Female hamsters do not have regular menstrual cycles like human females. However, they do go through a process called estrus, which is similar to a human female’s ovulation cycle. Estrous cycles in hamsters last about four days and occur every two to three weeks.

During estrus, the hamster’s body prepares for pregnancy by growing eggs in the ovaries and thickening the lining of the uterus.

If the hamster is not mated during estrus, she will reabsorb the eggs and shed the uterine lining. This process is often mistaken for a hamster’s period.

However, because hamsters do not have regular menstrual cycles, they do not experience bleeding or cramping as human females do during their periods.

Explaining the reproductive cycle of hamsters

Both male and female hamsters reach sexual maturity at around 6 weeks old. After that, they’ll be able to mate and produce offspring. However, female hamsters will only come into heat every 4 days or so – this is when they’re most fertile and able to mate successfully.

Hamsters don’t have regular menstrual cycles as humans do, so they don’t experience bleeding or discharge during their heat cycles.

If you’re thinking about getting a pet hamster, it’s important to do your research first so that you can provide them with everything they need to thrive.

Once you’ve done that, you can sit back and enjoy watching your new furry friend explore its home!

What estrus is?

Estrus is the recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in most mammalian females. In hamsters, estrus occurs every two to three weeks and lasts for four days.

During estrus, the hamster’s body prepares for pregnancy by growing eggs in the ovaries and thickening the lining of the uterus. If the hamster is not mated during estrus, she will reabsorb the eggs and shed the uterine lining.

This process is often mistaken for a hamster’s period. However, because hamsters do not have regular menstrual cycles, they do not experience bleeding or cramping as human females do during their periods.

Estrus compared to a human female’s ovulation cycle

Estrus in hamsters is similar to a human female’s ovulation cycle in that both involve the release of an egg from the ovary. However, there are some key differences between the two processes.

For example, estrus cycles in hamsters last about four days and occur every two to three weeks. In contrast, human ovulation cycles can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days and occur only once a month.

Additionally, during estrus, the hamster’s body prepares for pregnancy by growing eggs in the ovaries and thickening the lining of the uterus. If the hamster is not mated during estrus, she will reabsorb the eggs and shed the uterine lining.

When a female hamster is in estrus, she will often become agitated and may even bite. If she is not mated during this time, she may experience a false pregnancy, during which her body will produce milk and her behavior will change.

She may also become aggressive, nesting and hoarding food. Once the estrus cycle ends, the false pregnancy will usually resolve itself.

What happens if a hamster is not mated during estrus

If a hamster is not mated during estrus, she will usually go into another estrus cycle about two weeks later.

However, if she does not mate during this second cycle, her body will stop producing eggs and she will no longer be able to have offspring.

In addition, if a hamster is not mated during estrus, she may become aggressive or even violent towards other hamsters. This is because her body is releasing high levels of hormones that are designed to attract a mate without an outlet for these hormones, they can build up to toxic levels and cause serious health problems.

For these reasons, it is important to make sure that your hamster has a chance to mate during estrus.

Final thoughts

While hamsters do not menstruate in the traditional sense, they do experience a process known as estrus.

During estrus, the lining of the hamster’s uterus breaks down and is shed.

This can cause some spots, but it is usually not enough to be considered a true period.

However, it is important to note that estrus is not the same as the human period and can occur at any time, so female hamsters may sometimes appear to be bleeding from their vulva even when they are not actually in heat.

If you suspect your hamster is experiencing estrus, it is best to consult with a veterinarian for more information.

Estrous cycles in hamsters last about four days and occur every two to three weeks.

Hamsters do not ovulate on a regular schedule and their fertility cycles are not influenced by lunar cycles. Therefore, if you are wondering whether your female hamster is having a “period”, the answer is no.


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