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Why is My Hamsters Heart Beating so Fast? (5 Typical Reasons)

Written by Last Updated: Dec 1, 2024

If you’ve ever noticed your hamster’s heart beating fast and wondered why you’re not alone.

Many hamster owners have noticed that their furry friends seem to have rapid heartbeats from time to time. While it might be alarming at first, there are a few perfectly normal explanations for why your hamster’s heart is beating fast.

In this article, we’ll explore five of the most common reasons why your hamster’s heart might be beating faster than usual.

Why is my hamster’s heart beating so fast?

The heart of a hamster can beat fast when they are stressed, excited, or have just finished exercising. Also when they are sick, overheated, or pregnant. While it might be alarming at first, there are a few perfectly normal explanations for the heartbeat increase.

Hamsters are also known for their high heart rate. A normal heart rate for a hamster is 250 to 600 beats per minute. This is much higher than the average human heart rate, which is only 60 to 100 beats per minute.

The high heart rate helps hamsters to stay alert and be ready to run away from predators. It also helps them to keep their body warm.

Despite their high heart rate, hamsters are very efficient at running and can run up to 8 miles per hour. They can also run for long periods of time without getting tired.

If your vet determines that your hamster’s heart rate is outside of the normal range, he will recommend treatment.

But, in most cases, a fast heartbeat in hamsters is nothing to worry about. However, if you’re concerned about your hamster’s health or notice other unusual symptoms, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian just to be safe.

Typical reasons of high heart beat in hamsters

There are several reasons why your hamster’s heart might be beating fast.

  • Exercise. If your hamster has been running around a lot, it’s not surprising that his heart would be pumping faster than usual. Exercise is important for keeping your hamster healthy, so don’t worry if you see his heartbeat speed up from time to time.
  • Excitement, fear or stress. If your hamster is excited about something, such as a new toy or a tasty treat, his heart will beat faster in anticipation. Similarly, if your hamster is scared, his heart will beat faster as part of the “fight or flight” response. An environment change can cause stress and can cause their heart rate to increase. Neither of these reasons is cause for concern, but it’s important to try to avoid frightening your hamster unnecessarily and give them some time to adjust to their new environment.
  • Heat exposure. If your hamster’s home is too warm or he spends too much time in direct sunlight, his body will start to overheat. This can cause his heartbeat to quicken in an attempt to cool down the body. It’s important to make sure that your hamster’s home isn’t too hot and that he has plenty of opportunity to cool off if needed.
  • Physical conditions as pregnancy. If your hamster is pregnant, their heart rate will increase as their body prepares for childbirth.
  • Finally, some medical conditions can cause an increased heartbeat in hamsters. For example, heart diseases like arrhythmia, respiratory problems, and dehydration lead to heartbeats abnormally fast in these small animals.

If you notice that your hamster’s heart is beating faster than normal, it could be due to one of these five reasons. Only a professional can properly diagnose and treat your pet’s medical condition.

When should I be worried

High heart beating is normal in hamsters!

Hamsters have fast metabolism and their hearts need to beat quickly to pump blood efficiently throughout their bodies. If you’re concerned about your hamster’s heart rate, you can check its pulse. A healthy hamster should have a pulse of 130-250 beats per minute.

An abnormal heart rate for a hamster is anything over 280 beats per minute.

Hamsters typically have a resting heart rate of between 150 and 250 beats per minute, so anything above that is considered to be abnormal.

In most cases, a fast heart rate is nothing to worry about. However, if you notice that your hamster’s heart is beating faster than normal after they’ve been resting, it could be a sign of a problem.

Furthermore, if your hamster is displaying other signs of ill health, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or difficulty breathing, then you should take them to see a vet as soon as possible because it could be associated to an underlying medical condition.

If your hamster seems otherwise healthy but has a rapid heartbeat, and this condition is persistent, it’s worth taking him for a checkup just to be sure.

Although in most cases, a fast heart rate is nothing to worry about, if the underlying cause is more serious, your hamster may need medications or surgery.

What are the consequences of an abnormally high heart rate in hamsters?

If left untreated, an abnormally high heart rate can lead to serious health problems for your hamster. Over time, it can cause damage to the heart muscle and potentially lead to cardiac arrest.

That’s why it’s important to contact your veterinarian if you think that your hamster’s heart rate is abnormally high.

They will be able to determine the cause of the problem and provide treatment accordingly.

Final thoughts

There are a few reasons why your hamster’s heart might be beating faster than normal, including excercise, excitement, fear and illness.

A hamster’s heart rate can vary depending on a number of factors, including age, activity level, and overall health. In general, however, a healthy hamster’s heart should beat between 150 and 250 times per minute.

If you notice that your hamster’s heart is beating faster than usual, it is important to take a close look at your pet to see if there are any other signs of illness.

If your hamster seems otherwise healthy, is active and eating normally, there is no need to worry. A high heart rate can simply be the result of excitement or stress and the increased heart rate will return to normal soon.

You should take into account that there are other medical conditions that can cause an increased heartbeat in hamsters like heart disease, respiratory problems, and dehydration.

If you think your hamster may be experiencing any of these issues, it’s important to take him for a medical check.

With proper care, most medical conditions that cause a fast heartbeat are completely treatable.


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