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Why Is My Hamster Lying Flat? (Everything You Need To Know)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025

Hamsters are active creatures that are constantly on the move.

They are typically exploring, running around, and playing.

So, it’s normal to wonder why your hamster is suddenly lying flat on its side.

In this post, we’ll explore the reasons why your hamster might be lying flat and what you can do when this happens.

Why is my hamster lying flat?

There are several reasons why your hamster may be lying flat. It could be that they are sick or injured. If they are lying on their side, it may indicate that they are in pain. Another possibility is that they are simply tired and need a rest.

However, if your hamster is lying flat more frequently than usual, it could be a sign of a more serious health problem and you should take them to the vet for an examination.

One possibility is that he is ill or injured. Check his movements, if he isn’t moving much and seems to be in pain or is showing other distress signs.

Observing you hamster

You have to carefully observe your hamster. It could be that he is tired and just needs a rest. Check if he seems relaxed or stressed.

It could be that he isn’t feeling well and is trying to conserve his energy. In this case, you don’t need to worry.

If your hamster normally is active and playful but suddenly starts lying flat, it’s worth checking in with a vet to make sure there isn’t an underlying health issue.

In some cases, hamsters may also lie flat as a sign of submission. If you have more than one hamster, this could be happening if there is a hierarchy established within the group.

In these cases, the dominant hamster will make the others lie flat as a way of showing who is in charge.

If you think this may be happening, try to provide more hiding spots and places for your hamsters to retreat to so everyone feels comfortable and safe.

In any case, it is always best to err on the side of caution and consult with a professional if you have concerns about your hamster’s health.

Physical conditions

Lying flat frequently can be a sign of old age. As hamsters age, they start to slow down and become less active and inclusively lazy. This is a normal part of the aging process and isn’t cause for concern.

Old hamsters just take it easy and don’t burn a lot of energy. They enjoy lounging around and take naps.

If your hamster is older and you notice they are lying flat more often, pay attention to other changes in their behavior and health.

If you notice any other concerning symptoms, take them to the vet for an examination.

Another possibility is that your hamster is pregnant. When hamsters are pregnant, their babies put pressure on their lungs, making it difficult for them to breathe. As a result, they may spend more time lying on their sides.

If your female hamster is lying for a long time on her side, it could be a sign that she is ready to give birth.

If you think your hamster may be pregnant, take her to the vet for a checkup. The vet can rapidly confirm the pregnancy and can also provide care and advice throughout the course of the pregnancy.

Your hamster and the temperature

Another reason why your hamster might be lying flat is that he is too hot.

Hamsters are very sensitive to heat, and if the temperature in their cage is too high, they may lie down to cool off.

Hamsters are susceptible to heatstroke if the temperature in their enclosure is too warm.

The ideal temperature for a hamster cage is between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature in your hamster’s cage is higher than this, you will need to take steps to lower it.

One way to do this is to provide more ventilation by opening up the cage or adding an air conditioner. You can also try cooling the room down with a fan.

If your hamster is lying flat and panting, this is a sign that he is too hot and you need to take action immediately.

Stop what you are doing and move your hamster to a cooler location.

If possible, put him in a tub of cool water for a few minutes.

Then, take steps to lower the temperature in his cage as described above.

Hamsters and the exercise

After too much exercise, your hamster may just be tired and need to rest. Sometimes they lie flat to recover more quickly.

Hamsters are very active creatures, and they love to run and play.

However, all that activity can take a toll, and sometimes they just need to lie down and rest.

After a long session of exercise, your hamster can experience difficulties breathing normally. Lying flat is a way to overcome this condition.

If your hamster has been running around a lot, it does no cause for concern if he lies down to rest. He will likely be back to his normal self after a short break.

However, if your hamster is lying down more often than usual and doesn’t seem to be getting up and moving around as much, this could be a sign of a health problem.

Final thougths

There are a few reasons why your hamster may be lying flat.

One possibility is that your hamster may be sick or in pain or she can be pregnant.

If your hamster is normally active and suddenly starts lying down, it’s worth taking them to the vet to rule out any health concerns.

Another explanation is that hamsters are generally most active at night, so if you see them lying down during the day, it’s simply because they’re taking a nap.

Finally, some hamsters simply prefer to sleep on their side or stomach, so if you see your hamster lying flat, there’s no need to worry – it’s just their preferred sleeping position.


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