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Why Do Hamsters Have Red Eyes? (Main Causes & Treatment)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025
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Hamsters have small, round eyes that are set far apart on their face.

This gives them good vision, and thanks to that they can avoid predators and navigate their way around obstacles with ease.

Hamsters also have excellent depth perception, which allows them to judge distances accurately.

This is due to the placement of their eyes on either side of their head. This gives them a wide field of view, and they can see objects in three dimensions.

Do you have a hamster with red eyes? Are you wondering what might be causing it?

Read on to learn more about why hamsters can have red eyes and what you can do about it.

Why do hamsters have red eyes?

There are two main causes of red eyes in hamsters. First, the red color helps them to see better in low light conditions. Second, red eyes are a way for hamsters to communicate with each other and act as a warning signal to other hamsters.

Remember that hamsters are nocturnal animals, so they are active when there is little light. Red eyes reflect more light than black eyes, so they help hamsters to see better in the dark.

Hamsters also have a reflective layer behind their retina, which helps them to see even dim light. This sensitivity to light can make hamsters’ eyes look red in bright sunlight.

For the second reason, some research suggests that red eyes may help hamsters to communicate between them.

Is thought that red eyes may help hamsters recognize each other and convey messages about their mood or intentions.

For example, when two hamsters meet, they will often stare at each other’s eyes for several seconds. If one hamster is not happy with the way the other is looking at them, they may show their teeth or even fight.

A hamster with wide open red eyes may be sending a signal that it is ready to mate.

In addition to these two reasons, there is also a third reason why hamsters have red eyes. This reason has to do with their diet.

Hamsters are mostly herbivores, and their diet consists mainly of plants and vegetables. However, they will also eat small insects if they can find them.

Studies have shown that the carotenoids in these insects will build up in their body over time, and this can cause their eyes to turn red. So, if you ever see a hamster with red eyes, it’s likely due to their diet!

Causes of red eyes in Hamsters

The hamster’s large eyes shine brightly when a light is shone on it, due to a layer of reflective cells called the tapetum lucidum. This tissue helps to amplify the light that reaches the hamster’s retina and thanks to this layer of tissue occur the reflection of light back into their eye.

If you have a hamster, you may have noticed that their eyes sometimes turn red. While this may be alarming at first, it is usually nothing to worry about. There are several reasons why hamsters’ eyes may turn red, and most of them are benign.

One common cause of red eyes in hamsters is overexposure to light. Hamsters are nocturnal animals, and their eyes are not well-adapted to bright light. If your hamster is exposed to too much light, its eyes may become bloodshot. This is usually nothing to worry about and will resolve on its own once your hamster is back in its darkened cage.

Another cause of red eyes in hamsters is irritation from dust or other particles in the air. This can happen if your hamster’s cage is not cleaned often enough or if there is a lot of dust in your home. To help prevent this, be sure to clean your hamster’s cage regularly and keep their living area free of dust. If your hamster’s eyes are already irritated, you can try gently wiping them with a damp cloth.

In rare cases, red eyes in hamsters may be a sign of a more serious health problem. If you notice that your hamster’s eyes are constantly red or that they seem to be in pain, it’s important to take them to the vet for an evaluation.

Several eye conditions can be quite serious, so it’s best not to wait until things get worse.

Medical conditions

The medical conditions that can generate red eyes are:

  • Infections
  • Allergies
  • Reactions to their environment
  • Diseases
  • Injuries
  • Cancer

It is important to take your hamster to the vet if you think it may have an infection. If not treated on time, some infections can cause serious damage to the eyes or even lead to blindness.

Common eye infections in hamsters include pink eye and conjunctivitis. These conditions are usually caused by bacteria or viruses, and they can be quite contagious. If you notice that your hamster’s eyes are red, swollen, or crusty, it’s important to take take your hamster for an evaluation right away.

Allergies can also cause red eyes in hamsters. If your home is dusty or if you have any other pets, your hamster may be allergic to something in their environment. If you think your hamster may have allergies, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian so they can recommend the best treatment to follow.

Reactions to their environment are one of the most common causes of red eyes in hamsters. If your hamster’s cage is not clean or if there is too much dust in their environment, they may develop irritated eyes. To help prevent this, be sure to clean your hamster’s cage regularly and keep their living area free of dust.

Diseases that can cause red eyes to include diabetes and glaucoma. These conditions are relatively rare in hamsters, but if you notice that your hamster’s eyes are red and swollen, it’s important to take them for a checkup.

Cancer is another rare cause of red eyes in hamsters. If you notice that your hamster’s eyes seem to be bulging or that they are having trouble seeing, it’s important to take them to the vet right away.

While most causes of red eyes in hamsters are benign, there are a few medical conditions that can be quite serious. If you notice that your hamster’s eyes are red or swollen, it’s important to take them to the vet for an evaluation so that they can be properly diagnosed and treated.


The treatment will depend directly on the cause. By catching the problem early and taking him to an evaluation, you can help your hamster stay healthy and happy for years to come!

With prompt treatment, most eye problems can be resolved without any permanent damage.

Final thoughts

There are several reasons why hamsters can have red eyes. It could be due to an infection, an allergic reaction, or a reaction to something in their environment. In some cases, it could also be a sign of a medical condition.

Regardless of the reason, red eyes are an essential part of a hamster’s anatomy.

If you’re concerned about your hamster’s red eyes, it’s important to take them to the vet for a checkup. This will help determine the cause and get your furry friend the treatment he needs.

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