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How Smart Are Hamsters Compared to Humans? (Proven Scientific Facts)

Written by Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025

You might not think it, but hamsters are pretty smart creatures. For instance, they have been known to escape from their cages, solve complex puzzles, and even learn basic tricks.

So, how smart are hamsters? Here we explain some proven scientific facts that evidence how intelligent these little rodents can be compared to humans.

How smart are hamsters compared to humans?

Hamsters are not as smart as humans. They rank at around the level of a two-year-old human in terms of intelligence. This is mainly because hamsters have very limited short-term memory, and they are not able to learn complex tasks or problem solve.

A hamster can learn to associate a noise with a food reward, but they are not able to understand cause and effect relationships. For example, if a hamster is given a treat every time it pushes a lever, it will continue to push the lever even after the treat is no longer given. However, if the lever is pushed and nothing happens, the hamster will eventually stop pushing the lever.

Regarding hamster intelligence, studies have shown that hamsters have an average IQ of just 50, while humans have an average IQ of 100. Hamsters are also not very good at problem-solving and they can only learn a limited number of commands.

Key differences between hamster and human intelligence

While hamsters are certainly intelligent creatures, the comparisons to human intelligence are inaccurate. Hamsters are still animals, and their intelligence is very different from that of humans.

For example, hamsters typically have shortened attention span and memory than humans, and they are not as proficient at communication.

Additionally, hamsters rely heavily on their sense of smell, while humans rely more on sight.

Why are hamsters often compared to humans in terms of intelligence and abilities?

Hamsters are often compared to humans in terms of intelligence and abilities. This is because they have a good memory and can learn tricks and tasks.

They are also very good at solving simple problems. For example, if a hamster wants to reach a piece of food that is just out of reach, it will figure out how to get to it by climbing or jumping.

Furthermore, like humans, they are capable to learn and remember new information.

However, hamsters have limited short-term memory and are not able to learn complex tasks or problem solve like humans.

Explaining some proven scientific facts

Although hamsters are often seen as small, timid creatures, they are quite clever. Below there are just a few scientific facts that prove how smart hamsters really are.

Numerous studies have shown that hamsters are capable of learning complex tasks and remembering them for long periods.

For instance, one study conducted by researchers at the University of Bristol found that hamsters have excellent memory recall. In the study, hamsters were able to remember the location of food they had hidden away and retrieve it later. The ability to recall information like this is a sign of high intelligence.

Interestingly, another study found that hamsters can learn to navigate a complicated maze in as little as three days. What’s more, they could remember the maze perfectly for up to six months later.

In another study, hamsters were able to remember up to 80 different places where they have hidden food.

All of this demonstrates an impressive level of intelligence and memory retention.

Additionally, hamsters have also been shown to be skilled at solving problems. In one experiment, hamsters were able to figure out how to open a door to obtain a food reward. The hamsters were able to figure out the solution pretty quickly, showing that they’re able to think critically and solve problems. This is another sign of high intelligence.

Another scientific study found that hamsters are quite good at multitasking. In the study, hamsters were able to complete two tasks at the same time without any problems. This ability to multitask is something that humans struggle with, so it’s definitely a sign of high intelligence in hamsters.

All these findings suggest that hamsters are far more intelligent than they appear to be.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Are hamsters smarter than humans?

While hamsters are smarter than some other animals, they’re not as smart as humans. Studies have shown that they’re not very good at tasks that require them to remember complex rules or sequences.

Can hamsters show their emotions?

Hamsters can display a range of emotions, including happiness, sadness, and fear. However, they don’t experience emotions in the same way that humans do.

What other abilities do hamsters have?

They have an excellent sense of smell, which they use to help them find their way back to their burrows. In addition, hamsters are experts at hoarding food, storing up to three times their body weight in stores for the winter.

Also, they have their own unique abilities that allow them to thrive in the wild and adapt to their environment, like their excellent sense of direction.

What are their best cognitive abilities?

Hamsters can learn simple tasks and can remember them for long periods, but it is important to bear in mind that their intelligence is very different from our own.

Do hamsters like to be around humans?

Hamsters generally don’t like to be around humans. They’re timid creatures by nature and tend to stay away from people. However, if you handle them frequently from a young age, they can become more used to human contact.

Do hamsters have a good memory?

Hamsters have a very good memory. They can remember things for up to three months.

Can hamsters be trained?

Hamsters can be trained to do simple tricks and tasks. However, they are not as easily trainable as other pets such as dogs or cats.

Are hamsters smarter than other rodents?

There is scientific evidence that hamsters are smarter than other rodents.

One study found that Syrian hamsters outperformed rats and mice in a spatial learning task, suggesting that they are more cognitively flexible than other rodents.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, hamsters are not as smart as humans but they are still intelligent creatures. Although, their intelligence is very different from that of humans. They have a good memory and can learn tricks and tasks, but they have a shorter attention span and are not as easily trainable as other pets.

However, they are capable of learning and remembering things quite well. So, if you are considering getting a hamster as a pet, know that you will be getting a furry friend that is smarter than you might think. Besides, what they lack in intelligence, they make up for in cuteness!


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