Hamsters are small, active creatures that are known for their playful personalities and adorable antics.
You may be thinking about getting a hamster, but you’re not sure if they’ll make noise at night and disturb your sleep.
Do hamsters make noise at night?
This is a question that many people ask, as they are unsure whether or not their pet will be disruptive during the nighttime hours.
However, it is important to note that hamsters are nocturnal animals, meaning that they are most active during the night.
In this post, we’ll discuss the activity levels and types of sounds that hamsters make at night so that you can decide if this pet is right for you.
Do hamsters make noise at night?
Generally, yes. The type and volume of noise your hamster makes will depend on its activity level. Some hamsters are relatively quiet and only make soft scratching or shuffling sounds as they move about their cages. Others may be more vocal, chattering away or even squealing when they get excited.
First, it’s important to know that hamsters are not silent creatures.
They will make noise during the day and night, although their activity levels will be higher when it’s dark.
As such, you may hear your hamster making noise during the nighttime hours.
And, of course, hamsters can always be relied upon to squeak when they want attention or food!
So, if you’re worried about your hamster keeping you up at night, it’s best to provide it with a quiet, secluded spot to sleep in.
That way, you can both get a good night’s rest.
Activity hours
Hamsters are nocturnal animals, meaning they’re most active at night. During the evening hours, they might run on their wheel, climb in and out of their cage, or play with their toys.
During the day, they sleep a lot.
So, if you’re looking for a quiet pet that won’t keep you up at night, a hamster might not be the best choice.
When hamsters are awake at night, they like to play and explore their surroundings.
All of these activities can make noise. Hamsters also tend to be talkative critters.
They might squeak when they’re excited or make a chattering noise when they’re nervous.
If you have a hamster as a pet, you’ll likely hear some noises coming from their cage at night.
This is simply part of his normal behavior.
Type of noises
So, what type of noises do hamsters make at night?
Hamsters are known to make a variety of different noises at night, including squeaking, chewing, and running on their wheel.
Hamsters don’t vocalize very often, but they can make some noise when they are running or playing. They may also squeak if they are scared or excited.
When a hamster is feeling anxious or endangered, it may start to squeak and chirp.
Occasionally, depending on the type of food, hamsters make soft grunting noises when they are eating.
While some of these noises can be disruptive, others are quite soothing.
It may be an indication of disease if your hamster makes noises at night that seem out of the ordinary.
If you noticed a constant noise or if the noise is particularly loud it could be a sign that something is wrong.
If you are worried about your hamster’s health, speak with your veterinarian to determine the cause of the problem.
Nevertheless, if you find that your hamster is making noise at night that is keeping you up, there are a few things that you can do to help mitigate the situation.
Reducing the noise levels
Even the quietest hamster will occasionally make noise at night. If you hear your hamster squeaking or running around, there is no need to be alarmed.
If the noise at night is really disturbing you, first, try to provide your hamster with plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied during the night.
This will help to reduce the amount of noise that they make as they will have less time to explore and make noise.
Secondly, you can try to cover their cage with a blanket or towel to help muffle the sound of their activity.
If your hamster is particularly active at night, you may want to consider letting it out of its cage to run around for a while before bedtime. This will help tire out and reduce the chances of it making noise at night.
Lastly, if all else fails, you may need to move their cage to a different location in your home that is further away from your bedroom.
By taking these steps, you can help to reduce the amount of noise that your hamster makes at night and get a good night’s sleep.
Final thoughts
Hamsters are active at night, so you may hear them scurrying around their cage during the evening hours.
While they don’t make deliberate noises, their movement can create sounds that may wake you up.
If you’re concerned about noise, consider placing your hamster’s cage in a room that’s not adjacent to yours.
Some hamsters are relatively quiet and don’t vocalize very often, but there are a few exceptions.
Syrian hamsters, for example, are known for being particularly vocal. If you’re considering adopting a Syrian hamster, be prepared for some late-night noise.
Some breeds, like the Russian dwarf hamster, are relatively quiet.
If you are a light sleeper, you may want to consider adopting a quiet breed of hamster, like the Russian dwarf.
The amount of noise a hamster makes at night often depends on its personality and how comfortable it feels in its environment.
You may also want to provide your hamster with soft bedding material to muffle the sound of their movements.
Finally, if your hamster is making noise at night that seems out of the ordinary, it could be a sign of illness.
Contact your veterinarian if you have concerns about your hamster’s health.