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Do Hamsters Like The Dark? (Updated Hamster Comprehensive Guide)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025

Welcome to our updated hamster comprehensive guide. In this guide, we’ll be describing some important hamster characteristics and we will discuss whether or not hamsters like the dark.

In this opportunity, we’ll also provide some tips on how to create a comfortable and safe environment for your hamster if he prefers darkness.

Do hamsters like the dark?

There is no definitive answer to whether or not hamsters like being in the dark. It likely depends on the individual hamster and its individual preferences and needs. Some hamsters enjoy being in the dark, while others may not.

There are a few factors that may influence a hamster’s preference for darkness.

For example, hamsters are nocturnal animals, so they may feel more comfortable in the dark.

Additionally, some hamsters may feel safer in the dark because they can’t be seen by predators.

Finally, the darkness may help hamsters to stay cool since they are sensitive to heat.

How to find out your hamster preferences

Some hamsters may even become completely nocturnal if they are kept in an environment with little light or if they are frequently handled at night.

However, this is not necessarily indicative of whether or not a hamster likes the dark.

If you’re not sure whether or not your hamster prefers the dark, there are a few things you can do to help you figure it out.

First, take a look at how your hamster behaves during the day and night. If they are more active at night, he likely prefers darker environments.

Another way to tell if your hamster likes the dark is by observing their sleeping habits. If your hamster sleeps during the day and is awake at night, they probably prefer darkness.

If you want to know if your hamster likes the dark, you should watch him when he is in his cage. If he spends most of his time in the sleeping area, this means that he feels comfortable and safe there. If you see him playing in the tubes and tunnels, this also means that he likes the darkness.

Finally, you can try placing your hamster in a dark room and see how they react. If they seem comfortable and relaxed, then it’s likely that they enjoy being in the dark. However, if they seem agitated or stressed, then they may not be as fond of darkness.

Hamsters characteristics

As was previously mentioned, hamsters are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. As a result, they prefer to live in dark, quiet places.

Although, some domestic hamsters can adapt to a more diurnal schedule, meaning they are active during the day and sleep at night.

When hamsters are in the wild, they live in burrows underground.

These burrows can be quite long, and they have many different chambers.

Hamsters will often make their nests in the deepest chamber of the burrow, where it is darkest.

In captivity, hamsters need to have a dark place to sleep during the day.

This is why hamsters should have a cage with a sleeping area that is covered on three sides.

The fourth side should be left open so that the hamster can come out and play.

Hamsters also like to hide away in small, dark spaces. This is why hamsters like to play in tunnels and tubes. It makes them feel safe and secure.

In the wild, when it starts to get dark outside, hamsters will begin to come out to explore and forage for food.

While some hamsters may be active during the day, they will generally be less active than at night. In the wild, hamsters would use the darkness to hide from predators.

Therefore, it is not surprising that domestic hamsters also feel safest when it is dark.

When kept as pets, hamsters should be provided with a darkened cage or home where they can feel comfortable and safe.

Providing a comfortable environment

It is important to note that not all hamsters enjoy the dark. Some may feel stressed or anxious in a darkened room.

if on the contrary, you have discovered that your hamster feels safe when he is in the dark the following tips will be useful to meet his needs.

When creating a comfortable environment for your hamster, it is important to provide a place for them to hide away from the light.

This can be done by placing their cage in a dark corner of the room or by providing them with a paper towel tube to crawl into.

A small, secluded corner of your home – such as a laundry room or basement – can make an ideal home for your pet.

Make sure to line the bottom of the cage with soft bedding material, and provide plenty of toys and hideaways for your hamster to play with.

Inside your hamster cage try to provide a hiding place where he can feel safe and secure, such as a small cardboard box or a tunnel made out of paper towel rolls. This will help your hamster feel comfortable and allow it to get the rest it needs.

If you are thinking about buying a new cage, take this advice into account. Most commercially available hamster cages come equipped with a plastic house or tunnel that provides the perfect spot for your pet to relax in the dark.

By creating a comfortable environment that reflects their natural preferences, you can help your pet hamster feel right at home.

Moreover, by ensuring your hamster has a dark place to retreat to, you will help him feel safe and secure.

Final thoughts

Hamsters are rodents that are naturally most active at night.

Because of this, many people believe that hamsters must prefer darkness.

However, this is not always the case.

While some hamsters may enjoy being in darker environments, others may feel more comfortable in well-lit areas.

At night, hamsters need a comfortable place to sleep where it is quiet and dark.

So, while hamsters may be most active at night, they still need both light and dark to stay healthy.


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