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Do Hamsters Like Swimming? (Hamsters Care Guide & FAQs)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025

The days are getting hot and you might be wondering if hamsters like to swim.

Do hamsters like swimming?

This is a common question among hamster owners, and it does not have a simple answer.

In this post, we will discuss whether or not hamsters like swimming, what type of swimming is safe for them, and how to tell if your hamster is enjoying swimming.

Do hamsters like swimming?

It depends on the hamster. Some hamsters take to water easily and enjoy swimming, while others prefer to stay on dry land. If you’re considering taking your hamster for a dip, it’s important to do your research beforehand and make sure that your hamster is comfortable with water.

If you’re considering taking your hamster for a swim, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First of all, it’s important to make sure that the water is not too deep or too cold.

You’ll also want to supervise your hamster while they’re swimming, as they could drown if left unattended.

With that said, let’s take a more in-depth look at whether or not hamsters like swimming.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to make the experience more enjoyable for your furry friend.

Getting to know your hamster

Many people assume that hamsters do not like to swim, but this is not necessarily the case.

While some hamsters may be hesitant to get wet, others may actually enjoy swimming.

The best way to know if your hamster likes swimming is to simply try it out.

Place your hamster in a few inches of water and see how he reacts.

If he seems relaxed and happy, then he probably enjoys swimming.

Start by putting your hamster in a shallow bowl of water and see if he seems interested in exploring.

If he seems scared or uncomfortable, he probably won’t like swimming.

Moreover, if he becomes distressed or tries to escape, it’s best to avoid giving him any more baths.

Ultimately, only you can know for sure if your hamster likes swimming – but it’s definitely worth a try!

Signs of enjoying swimming

There are a few ways to tell if your hamster is enjoying their swim.

First, they should have a relaxed body posture and be paddling slowly.

If they are thrashing around or trying to climb out of the water, they are probably not enjoying themselves.

Second, hamsters breathe through their nose, so if they are keeping their head above water, it’s a good sign that they’re enjoying themselves.

Third, look for signs of playfulness, such as chasing a toy or nibbling on your fingers.

If your hamster is doing any of these things, they are likely enjoying its swim.

Tips to make swimming enjoyable

If you want to make sure that your hamster enjoys swimming, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure the water is warm – around 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

You should also start with a shallow depth of water and gradually increase it as your hamster gets more comfortable.

Start slowly and let your hamster get used to the idea of swimming. You can gradually add more time and distance as they become more comfortable with it.

Finally, don’t forget to supervise your hamster at all times, stay nearby in case he needs help getting out of the water.

With these tips in mind, swimming can be a fun and enjoyable experience for both you and your hamster!

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about hamsters and swimming

Can all hamsters swim?

No, not all hamsters can swim.

Some hamsters are naturally afraid of water and will avoid it at all costs.

Other hamsters may be able to swim but prefer to stay on dry land.

Ultimately, it depends on the individual hamster.

Is it safe to take my hamster swimming?

Yes, as long as you take the necessary precautions.

Make sure the water is clean and is not too deep or too cold, and always supervise your hamster while he is in the water.

If your hamster is comfortable with water and enjoys swimming, then it is probably safe to take him swimming.

However, if your hamster does not like swimming, it’s best to avoid it as they could drown.

How often should I take my hamster swimming?

There is no set answer to this question. If your hamster enjoys swimming, you can take him swimming as often as you like.

However, if your hamster does not enjoy swimming, it’s best to avoid it altogether.

What is the best way to take my hamster swimming?

The best way to take your hamster swimming is to start with a shallow bowl of water and see how he reacts.

Can a hamster drow in water?

Yes, a hamster can drown if left unattended.

That’s why it’s important to always supervise your hamster while he is in the water.

How long should a dip last?

If your hamster is enjoying his swim, you can let him swim for as long as he wants.

However, if your hamster does not enjoy swimming, it’s best to keep the dip short – a few minutes should suffice.

Is swimming a good exercise for hamsters?

Yes, swimming is a great exercise for hamsters.

Not only does it help them stay in shape, but it also helps them socialize and have fun.

Final thoughts

Hamsters are natural swimmers and do not require special equipment or instruction.

Some hamsters enjoy swimming, while others seem to dislike it.

Ultimately, whether or not your hamster enjoys swimming will depend on their individual personality.

If your hamster is relatively active and playful, it may enjoy the opportunity to swim around.

However, if your hamster is more timid and shy, it may not be as keen on swimming.

If you are considering taking your hamster for a dip, make your research beforehand and make sure to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for your pet.

With a little preparation, you can help your hamster to have a fun and safe swimming experience on these hot days!


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