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Do Hamsters Like Music? (What Genres Do They Usually Prefer?)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025
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Hamsters are adorable, furry little creatures that make popular pets.
But, what do we really know about them?

You might wonder if your hamster enjoys listening to music. After all, they can’t tell you verbally whether they like it or not.

In this post, we’ll explore what the scientific evidence says about whether hamsters like music and if so, what genres they usually prefer.

Do hamsters like music?

Some researchers believe that hamsters may enjoy certain types of music, while others think that they are indifferent to it. There is still no conclusive evidence either way. It seems to depend on the individual hamster’s personality. More research is needed to determine if hamsters truly enjoy listening to music.

If you’re considering playing music for your hamster, it might be worth doing a little research first.

There are some types of music that hamsters seem to enjoy more than others.

For example, classical music and soft rock are generally well-received by these furry little creatures.

On the other hand, hard rock and heavy metal tend to be major turn-offs for most hamsters.

Additionally, it’s important to consider volume levels when playing music for your hamster.

Remember that these animals have very sensitive ears, so any music you play should be at a low volume.

If your hamster shows signs of being distressed by the music (e.g., chewing on cage bars or pacing back and forth), it’s probably best to turn off the tunes and try something else.

At the end of the day, whether or not your hamster enjoys listening to music is really up to him or her.

Just be sure to use your best judgment and err on the side of caution to ensure your furry friend stays happy and healthy.

Scientific evidence

It turns out that there is some scientific evidence to support the idea that hamsters enjoy listening to music.

In one study, researchers played a variety of different types of music for a group of hamsters and found that they showed a preference for classical tunes.

The hamsters also seemed to enjoy listening to songs with a fast tempo and lots of high-pitched notes.

One study found that hamsters exposed to Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto No. 3” had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who were not exposed to the music.

This suggested that the hamsters found the music calming and enjoyable.

However, it is important to note that this was only a single study with a small sample size.

You might not think it, but there have actually been a few scientific studies on whether hamsters like music.

And the verdict is… well, it’s complicated.

A study from 2009 found that hamsters did seem to enjoy listening to music, but only if it was classical music played at a low volume.

The hamsters in the study showed increased levels of grooming and play when they were exposed to classical music, but not when they were exposed to other genres of music or noise at high volumes.

Interestingly, another study from 2014 found that hamsters didn’t react any differently to classical music than they did to silence. So what’s going on?

It’s possible that hamsters simply don’t react well to loud noises, regardless of genre.

Or it could be that the results of the first study were due to chance.

Either way, it seems like there’s still more research to be done on this topic.

To find out whether or not hamsters actually enjoy listening to music, more research is required.

But, you can try playing some different types of music for your hamster and see if he or she seems to enjoy it!

You might be surprised by the results!

Experimenting with the music

There are a few ways to tell if your hamster is enjoying the music.

For starters, they may start to move their body in time with the beat.

They may also seem more relaxed, with their muscles less tense and their breathing more regular.

If you notice these changes, it’s a good sign that your hamster is enjoying the music.

Of course, not all hamsters will react in the same way – some may simply ignore the music altogether.

You should observe their body language. If your hamster is sitting still and relaxed, he is probably comfortable with the sound.

On the contrary, if your hamster is huddled in a corner or frantically running around his cage, the noise is probably too loud or disturbing for him.

Pay attention to the breathing pattern also. If your hamster is panting or seems stressed, the music is likely too loud or fast-paced for them.

Finally, watch for signs of boredom, such as excessive yawning or scratching. If your hamster starts to exhibit these behaviors, it’s time to turn off the music and let him rest.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and see what works for your hamster.

Who knows – you might just discover that your furry friend is a secret fan of classical music!

About the Genres

Hamsters typically enjoy all sorts of music, but they seem to particularly love classical and pop tunes.

They also seem to enjoy softer, slower music when they’re trying to relax or sleep.

In fact, they usually have quite eclectic taste, enjoying everything from classical to pop.

Of course, every hamster is different, so the best way to know for sure is to experiment with different types of music and see how your hamster reacts.

Final thoughts

The truth is that we don’t really know if hamsters like music.

They are small animals and their hearing is not as keen as ours.

So it’s possible that they can’t really appreciate music the way we do.

However, some people believe that hamsters might enjoy certain types of music, such as classical or soft rock.

If you want to try playing music for your hamster, you can always experiment and see if your furry friend seems to react positively or negatively to the sound.

Just be sure to keep the volume low so as not to disturb your hamster’s delicate hearing.

If you’re looking to give your hamster a little musical stimulation, don’t be afraid to try out different genres and see what they respond to best.

Who knows, you might just discover a new favorite band in the process!

You might be surprised to learn that hamsters are pretty big music lovers!

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