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Can Hamsters Have Seizures? (Signs of Illness, Recommendations & Treatment)

Written by Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025
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Hamsters are small, cute, and furry. They make great pets for both children and adults. But like all animals, hamsters can sometimes have health problems.

One issue that may concern hamster owners is the possibility of seizures.

Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain. They can cause changes in behavior, movement, loss of consciousness, and spasms.

Read on to find out all you need to know about seizures in hamsters and what you can do to help your furry friend if they have one.

Can hamsters have seizures?

Hamsters can have seizures when they are excited or stressed, but they can also have them if they are sick or injured. If your hamster has a seizure, it will likely fall over and twitch or paddle its legs. The seizure should only last a few seconds.

If your hamster has a seizure, it will probably fall over and become stiff. Its eyes may roll back in its head and it may start to salivate or urinate.

A seizure usually lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes. If your hamster has multiple seizures or if a seizure lasts for more than five minutes, it is considered an emergency and you should take your hamster to the vet immediately.

There are many different kinds of seizures, but all involve an uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. This can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on which area of the brain is affected.

Hamsters typically have tonic-clonic seizures, which involve stiffness followed by spasms and jerking movements. However, they can also have absence seizures, which cause them to stare into space for a few seconds; myoclonic seizures, which cause sudden jerks; or labored breathing seizures.

Sometimes, the cause of a seizure is unknown. However, hamsters may be more likely to have seizures if they have a genetic predisposition, if they suffer from an illness or injury, or if they are stressed.

Seizure types

In general, there are two types of seizures: generalized seizures which impact the brain totally, and partial seizures which only affect a portion of the brain.

Generalized seizures can be further divided into six types: tonic-clonic, absence, myoclonic, clonic, atonic, and tonic seizures.

Partial seizures are also further divided into six types: simple partial, complex partial, secondarily generalized, focal aware, aura, and Jacksonian march seizures.

What are the signs that a hamster is having a seizure

There are many different types of seizures and each can present differently. Some common signs that your hamster may be having a seizure include:

  • Body stiffening
  • Unusual behavior (e.g. start running in circles)
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Twitching, convulsing, or jerking movements
  • Drooling
  • Collapse
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Chomping of the teeth
  • Pawing at the air
  • Urinating or defecating on themselves

Seizures in hamsters can be hard to spot since they usually last for a few seconds.

Once the seizure has passed, it is important to call your veterinarian to check your hamster.

Seizures causes

There are many possible causes of seizures in hamsters, including illness, injury, and genetics. Seizures can also be caused by stress or changes in the environment.

Seizures can be caused by:

  • Brain tumors
  • Strokes
  • Kidney disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Low blood sugar
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Infections
  • Head trauma
  • Exposure to toxins

Prompt treatment is essential to provide the best possible outcome for your pet.


Seizures can be treated with medication, but the exact treatment depends on the underlying cause. In some cases, surgery may be necessary.

If your hamster has a seizure, it is important to take it to the vet so that the cause can be determined and appropriate treatment can be given.

At the vet, your hamster will be given a physical examination and may also have blood tests and other diagnostic tests. Treatment for seizures will depend on what is generating the seizure.


If your hamster has a seizure, do not panic. Stay calm, it can be scary to see your hamster having a seizure, but is important to remain calm and think clearly.

During seizures, you may notice them shaking, twitching, or losing consciousness. They may also make sounds that are out of the ordinary, like crying or chirping.

If your hamster has a seizure, the first thing you should do is remove them from any danger, like high places, toys, or sharp objects that could hurt your hamster if he or she falls off them. Then, gently place them on their side and wait for the seizure to pass.

Sometimes, gentle stimulation (such as lightly running your fingers along your hamster’s back) can help to stop a seizure.

Do not try to give your hamster anything to eat or drink during a seizure. Once the seizure is over, you can offer them a small amount of water.

Once the seizure is over, your hamster will likely be tired and may need to rest for a day or two. Observe your hamster closely for the next 24 hours. If they have another seizure or seem to be in distress, contact your veterinarian for further instructions.

If your hamster has more than one seizure or if the seizures last for more than a few minutes, take them to the vet right away. Seizures can be a sign of a serious medical condition and require treatment.

Final thoughts

Seizures in hamsters are not common, but they can happen.

Hamsters can live normal, healthy lives with seizures, sometimes this condition is hereditary but your vet will be able to help you manage the condition.

Seizures can be scary, the signs that may indicate of your hamster is having a seizure include collapse, muscle twitching, padding of legs, chomping of the teeth, stiffening of the body, urination, defecation, etc.

These abnormal periods of electrical activity in the brain can be caused by a variety of factors and serious medical conditions, but with proper treatment, most hamsters recover quickly and go on to live normal and healthy lives.

Finally, if your hamster recently is having multiple seizures, or if the seizures last for more than a few minutes, it is important to take them to the vet right away.


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