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Can Hamsters Chew Through Plastic? (Prevention & How to Stop It)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025

Hamsters are cute, furry little creatures that make popular pets.

They are curious and active, and they love to play.

But one thing you may not know about hamsters is that they have very sharp teeth that they use to chew on everything in sight.

Hamsters are notorious little chewers.

They’ve been known to gnaw on everything from furniture to electrical wires.

But can hamsters chew through plastic?

In this post, we’ll answer that question and give you some tips on how to prevent your hamster from chewing on plastic.

Here’s what you need to know about why hamsters chew on plastic, how to prevent it, and what to do if your hamster does manage to chew through something.

Can hamsters chew through plastic?

Hamsters can chew through plastic. Since cages are typically made of plastic, this can pose a problem. They can chew through just about anything given enough time and motivation. However, there are ways to discourage your hamster from chewing on plastic and other household items.

Hamsters are notorious chewing machines.

Their teeth never stop growing, so they have to chew on things to keep them from getting too long.

This natural urge to chew can lead them to gnaw on anything they can get their teeth on, including plastic.

In the wild, they use their powerful jaws to gnaw on roots and tough vegetation.

Domestic hamsters also like to chew, but their diet is limited to soft foods like pellets and vegetables.

This can cause them to gnaw on other things in their environment, like plastic.

Plastic as a health hazard

While it might not seem like a big deal at first, chewing on plastic can be very dangerous for hamsters.

The sharp edges of the plastic can damage their teeth, and the small pieces can be easily swallowed.

Bits of sharp-edged plastics can cause perforation of the intestines. This is a serious hazard and if you suspect your hamster ingested a piece of plastic like that you have to take it immediately to the veterinary for treatment.

On the other hand, if enough plastic is ingested, it can cause an intestinal blockage that could be fatal leading to death.

In addition, many types of plastic release harmful chemicals when chewed, which can be toxic to hamsters.

So, it’s important to take measures to prevent your hamster from chewing on plastic.

Why do hamsters chew on plastic?

There are a few reasons why your hamster might be drawn to chewing on plastic.

For one, the material it’s simply available and within reach.

If your hamster is in its cage, there’s a good chance that there are at least a few plastic items nearby.

Another reason why hamsters chew on plastic is that they’re trying to get to something else.

For example, if your hamster is chewing on the bars of its cage, it might be trying to escape.

Or, if your hamster is chewing on a plastic toy, it might be trying to get to the treat inside.

Lastly, some hamsters simply like the taste or texture of plastic.

This isn’t particularly common, but it can happen.

If your hamster seems to be chewing on plastic for no apparent reason, this might be why.


The best way to prevent your hamster from chewing on plastic is to provide it with plenty of safe, chew-friendly toys and objects made from safe materials.

This will give your hamster something to chew on instead of plastic.

Some good chew toys for hamsters include wooden blocks, sturdy cardboard tubes, and mineral chews.

Some safe materials for hamsters are wood or bamboo, stainless steel, natural stone, and ceramic.

You can also give your hamster things like untreated willow branches and hay cubes to gnaw on.

In addition to providing chew toys, you’ll also want to make sure that your hamster has a spacious cage with plenty of room to move around.

A bored or cramped hamster is more likely to chew on plastic and other household items out of frustration.

How to stop it

If your hamster does manage to chew through plastic, the first thing you’ll want to do is remove any small pieces of plastic from its cage.

These plastic pieces can be a choking hazard if swallowed.

You should also closely monitor your hamster for any signs of illness or injury.

If you notice that your hamster is having trouble breathing, is vomiting, or has diarrhea, take it to the vet right away.

If your hamster seems to be fine after chewing on plastic, you’ll want to take steps to prevent it from happening again.

This might involve providing more chew toys, increasing the size of its cage, or supervising it more closely when it’s out of its cage.

Also, remove all potential hazards from his cage. In this way, he won’t end up injuring himself.

Final thoughts

Hamsters can chew through plastic if they’re motivated enough.

If you have a hamster as a pet, you need to be aware that he could potentially chew through his plastic cage and try to escape.

It is important to check the cage regularly if you are using a plastic cage and look for signs of chewing.

If left unchecked, a hamster can cause serious damage to his cage – and even injure himself in the process.

However, there are ways to discourage your hamster from chewing on plastic and other household items.

The best solution is to provide them with plenty of toys and chew sticks of fruits or vegetables as a treat to keep their jaws busy.

You should also avoid using plastic accessories inside the cage, such as water bottles and food bowls.

If your hamster does chew on plastic, keep a close eye on them and make sure they don’t ingest any large pieces.

Finally, speak to your veterinarian about any other concerns you may have.

With a little effort, you can help keep your furry friend safe from the dangers of plastic chewing.


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