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Are Hamsters Deaf? (9 Alarming Signs They Can’t Hear Well)

Written by Last Updated: Feb 1, 2025
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Although hamsters are small creatures, they are quite complex. One common question about these popular pets is whether or not they are deaf.

As much as we love our furry little friends, it’s important to remember that they are not human. This means that their senses are different from ours, and that includes their sense of hearing.

This time, we’ll address the query, “Are hamsters deaf?” Then we’ll look at nine indicators that your hamster may not be hearing properly.

Are Hamsters Deaf?

Hamsters have very good hearing, but some things can affect their ability to hear. While hamsters don’t have the same hearing range as we do, they can still hear quite well. Hamsters depend on their hearing sense to communicate with other hamsters as well as navigate their environment.

Hamsters have a very sensitive sense of hearing and can detect high-pitched sounds that are beyond the range of human hearing.

However, they do not seem to respond to low-frequency noises, such as those made by most humans.

For example, if you whisper to a hamster, the hamster will not be able to hear you. Hamsters also have difficulty hearing sounds that are far away. If you are in another room and call your hamster’s name, the hamster will not be able to hear you.

Furthermore, if you make a loud noise, such as clapping your hands, the hamster will be able to hear it. In general, hamsters have good hearing, but they are not as sensitive to sound as humans are.

In addition, hamsters have very poor eyesight and rely heavily on their sense of smell to navigate their environment. As a result, it is possible that they simply do not pay attention to low-frequency noises because they are not relevant to their needs.

What can cause hearing loss in Hamsters

There are a few things that can cause hearing loss in hamsters. For example, prolonged exposure to loud noises can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss.

Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or an infection of the middle ear, can also cause hearing loss.

If you think your hamster might be losing its hearing, it is important to take it to see a vet as soon as possible so that they can determine the cause and provide treatment.

Factors that affect hearing ability

1. Age

As hamsters age, they may start to lose their hearing. This is because the structures in their ears start to break down and don’t work as well as they used to.

2. Disease

There are a few diseases that can cause hearing loss in hamsters, such as diabetes or an infection of the middle ear.

3. Exposure to loud noises

Prolonged exposure to loud noises can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss.

4. Genetics

Some hamsters are simply born with hearing loss due to genetics.

5. Injury

Injury to the head or ears can also cause hearing loss in hamsters.

Alarming signs hamsters can’t hear well

Here are 9 signs that your hamster may not be able to hear as well as they used to:

1. They don’t react to loud noises

If you make a loud noise and your hamster doesn’t seem to flinch or move at all, it could be a sign that they can’t hear very well. This is especially true if they used to be scared of loud noises or if they used to come running to you when you made a noise.

2. They don’t react to their name

Another sign that your hamster may not be able to hear well is if they don’t react when you call their name. If you’ve been calling them by the same name for a while and they suddenly stop responding, it could be due to hearing loss.

3. They don’t react to other sounds

In addition to not reacting to loud noises or their name being called, another sign that your hamster may be deaf is if they don’t react to other sounds. This could include things like the doorbell ringing or a car horn honking. If your hamster used to react to these things and suddenly stops, it’s worth considering that they may be deaf.

4. They don’t seem to startle easily

Another sign that your hamster may not be able to hear well is if they don’t seem to startle easily. If you make a sudden move or noise and they don’t flinch or jump, it’s possible that they can’t hear you. This is especially true if they used to be easily startled.

5. They don’t seem to be afraid of predators

If your hamster doesn’t seem to be afraid of predators, it could be another sign that they’re deaf. This is because they wouldn’t be able to hear the predators coming, so they wouldn’t be able to react in time.

6. They don’t seem to respond to other hamsters

If you have more than one hamster and you notice that one of them doesn’t seem to respond to the other’s noises, they may be deaf. This is because they wouldn’t be able to hear the other hamster, so they wouldn’t know to respond.

7. They don’t seem to communicate with you

If your hamster used to communicate with you through sounds and now they don’t, they may be deaf. This is because they wouldn’t be able to hear you, so they wouldn’t know to communicate.

8. They don’t seem to be interested in things anymore

If your hamster used to be interested in things like toys and now they seem to be uninterested, it’s possible that they’re deaf. This is because they wouldn’t be able to hear the toy, so they wouldn’t know to be interested in it.

9. They don’t seem to be social anymore

If your hamster used to be social and now they seem to be avoiding you, they may be deaf. This is because they wouldn’t be able to hear you, so they wouldn’t know to be social.

If you notice any of these signs in your hamster, it’s important to take them to the vet so they can be checked out. Hearing loss is a serious issue and can lead to other problems, so it’s important to get it checked out as soon as possible.

Final thoughts

Hamsters are not deaf, but their hearing is not as acute as that of humans. They can hear high-pitched sounds and low-pitched sounds, but they cannot hear subtle differences in sound the way humans can.

There are a few things that can cause hearing loss in hamsters.

By being aware of the things that can cause hearing loss in hamsters, you can help keep your hamster healthy and happy.

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